A Clean Home is a New Home – Kitchen & Bathroom Cleaning

A Clean Home is a New Home - Kitchen & Bathroom Cleaning

When the time calls for a spot of home improvement, many people assume that this means breaking open the tins of paint that have been stored in the garage for eons and throwing out all the old fixtures for newer replacements.

However, a little home improvement can be no more taxing than a good clean. One of the principal reasons for redecorating the home is that it tends to conceal all the dirt that has accumulated over the months, which ought to be cleaned rather than pasted over with fresh paint.

Nevertheless, despite a good spring clean, the home can continue to amass dirt and dust very quickly, irrespective of routine cleaning efforts. Thus, it is necessary to identify and understand the predominant causes of excessive grime and dust in order to be able to effectively clean them regularly.

A Clean Home is a New Home - Kitchen & Bathroom Cleaning

The kitchen is perhaps the best place to start as, aside from bathrooms, this is where the concentration of bacteria tends to be at its highest. Furthermore, it is important to keep kitchens clean for obvious health reasons. Cleaning efforts should focus on key areas of the kitchen: the sink, work surfaces, oven and fridge.

Sinks should be wiped down with an anti-bacterial agent after every use, whilst drain cleaners should be used every fortnight to ensure that pipes remained unclogged and relatively sterile. Kitchen surfaces should be wiped regularly with warm water and washing-up liquid. Bicarbonate of soda is excellent for cleaning ovens, although a little elbow grease is usually necessary.

Finally, routine cleaning throughout the home can be made easier by vacuuming or dusting curtains, ceilings, light fixtures and even walls – these are key areas in which dust builds up and goes unnoticed.

A Clean Home is a New Home - Kitchen & Bathroom Cleaning